Sunday, 27 February 2011

Drawing Machine

To help with my drawing practice I have been developing an idea of a drawing machine that allows me to do one really long continuous line drawing. It would also be possible to calculate measurements of paper according to time. This is my first prototype, built using Fischertechniks and wooden rollers.

I am still experimenting with the system, testing out speeds and how it affects my drawing. With the first model after primary testing I calculated that the machine would roll one metre of paper in forty eight seconds. The speed was a bit to quick, affecting the drawing style. Experiments are continuing to find the best combination of speed and drawing style.

Drawing Inspirations

Other examples of drawing projects

Dryden Goodwin: - Art on the underground

Goodwin did a series of portraits of staff on the London Jubilee line. I really like the sketching recordings on the page - link above.

Stephen Wiltshire:

Fantastic artist with an almost photographic memory.

Dissertation: Interactive London

Writing my dissertation really helped me define my understanding of London communities and the purpose of habits and behaviour of Londoners. I also discussed the affects of technology in the way we communicate as a society and its potential to bring communities back together through online networking.

Saturday, 26 February 2011

Drawing: Commuter Landscapes

Due to the regulations of photography in train stations and in the underground; I began drawing in London Bridge station. This developed into a style that reflected the speed of the flow of people moving through the station. The faster the flow, the less detail drawings had, and the longer individuals stood, the more detailed they would become. I intend to develop this element as part of my final show.

I also tried doing ten second continuous line portraits, without looking at the paper.

Short Film

A few stills from the film I made. Find it on:

Update On Project Work So Far: Model Making

Model One:

Demonstrating how many paths of individuals moving through a space might look like if illustrated over time. The model is based on the layout of London Bridge Station and shows fifteen paths in different colours. In November I spent a lot of time in several stations including London bridge, and on the underground: observing the movement patterns and habits of commuters and recording in different mediums.

Smaller Interactions:

A collection of smaller diagrams visualising how two or more paths might interact. I really like this form of path mapping as it is quite striking and has few limits.